Responsible growth for the battery value chain
Basis of our work
The Finnish government has given our company an important mandate: to responsibly maximise the value of minerals extracted in Finland. Accordingly, our investments are geared towards societal impacts, contributing to sustainable development of the battery value chain, and taking responsibility for the environment and climate.
Our social responsibility manual is the ISO 26000 standard, which requires compliance with the rule of law, ethical behaviour, and corporate accountability. The guideline is based on a comprehensive approach in which the core is the organisational governance.
This is how we operate

In addition to our own work, our ethical principles apply to our cooperation with suppliers of services and goods. As an investment company, we also require companies in our investment portfolio to commit to ethical business practices.

The use of fossil fuels can be reduced by electrifying transport, which requires development of the battery value chain. It is important for us to minimise the environmental impact of battery production in the value chain.
We encourage open conversation
As a state-owned company, we are governed by the Government Resolution on State Ownership Policy. These decisions-in-principle typically address a number of aspects of sustainability, such as the environment and nature, human rights, people matters, combating corruption, risk management, and tax matters.
Within our company, we maintain a corporate culture based on open conversation, because in our view, this is conducive to sustainability. We encourage our employees to speak up about anything that concerns them, to their supervisor, to the occupational safety and health representative or to an HR representative, in confidence if necessary. Matters of ethical concern may also be raised through the whistleblowing channel accessible at the bottom of this web site.
Our aim is to prevent wrongdoing
If you have witnessed a wrongdoing at or by our company and you have concerns, you can make a disclosure on our web page. Before you make the disclosure of wrongdoing, we ask that you read the description of our whistleblowing process.